Monday, April 7, 2008

Children With Food Allergies

How do you figure out if your child is going to be allergic to food? Are you one of those individuals who just tries out different foods that you eat on your child or do you actually take your child to be tested? It would seem that a parent would have a responsibility to having their child tested for allergies related to foods to avoid issues. This will also give you a comprehensive list of items to not give the child before you end up in the emergency room. It seems that any parent who has food allergies would be wise in testing their own child. So now you know what your child is allergic too, but how do you handle children with food allergies?

Children with food allergies tend to suffer from milk, egg, peanut, tree nut, seafood, and shellfish allergies more than other allergies that exist. Since food allergies are related to the immune system of the children it could just be that after a few years they have built up the tolerance they need and can begin to eat any food. In most cases children with food allergies are going to need a rotation diet. As a child one is more susceptible to becoming prone to things such as allergies as their system is still growing. This means if you are feeding the same foods all the time to the child because you have cut out the food they are allergic to you will find new allergies developing.

The food rotation diet is very simple once you learn how to use it. The children with food allergies will not be able to have the same foods within a four day period. In other words whatever ingredients of food you gave on Monday cannot be repeated until Friday. This ensures that the antibodies to the food have been removed from the system and that the child will not develop a new food allergy.

Children with food allergies can be a little more to handle or at least provide a lot of worrying. You have to make sure camps, the schools, parents, teachers, and anyone else that is involved in your children's lives understand the food allergies and take precautions. The children also have to understand what they can and cannot eat. For instance a child could be allergic to peanuts, this means they need to know there are several products with peanuts in them, and that they need to check the packaging before accepting any food.

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