Saturday, April 12, 2008

Internet Millionaire Series Part 1 - Developing Your Senses to Discover Passive Income Opportunities

Next time you are standing in front of the mirror, take a good look at the image in the mirror. You are looking at a millionaire. Yes, you are an internet millionaire to be! You still have to take the journey to get there. It is not a smooth journey, and you have to develop your senses and rely on them to stay in your journey and reach the destination, discovering passive income opportunities and having your home-based internet business produces abundant fruit. Different sense has different functions. Together those senses create your experience in this world. In the internet business, you need to develop your senses to succeed by discovering more passive income opportunities.

1. First sense -- Sight.

You need to see the the passive income opportunities in the internet by observing your niche market and searching for the ongoing needs people have. You need to see beyond the current condition even though people say seeing is believing. You must be willing to invest time and effort in helping your business to grow, even if you don't see immediate results. You also need to see the obstacles standing in your way in realizing those passive income opportunities.

2. Second sense -- Hearing.

You need to hear the advice of the right people. You need to hear what is going on in various communication forums to spot passive income opportunities.

You also need to listen beyond words and be sensitive with the cry of your customers who need support. You need to hear the beautiful music of the sound of the money flowing into your account. You also need to hear invitations of people for teamwork.

3. Third sense -- Smell.

You need to smell the fake aroma of bad offers and bad people you encounter in your journey. Don't believe claims that you can make money with little or no effort. Even internet millionaire admits that it is a hard work. You also need to smell the money you earn from the internet when one of your passive income opportunities comes true.

4. Fourth sense -- Taste.

You need to taste the first success fast, even though it is small. The best place to start is to choose which one of the passive income opportunities that makes you succeed faster.

You also need to taste and savour the victory of achieving a predetermined milestone. It surely will boost your motivation to reach the next milestone in your journey.

5. Fifth sense -- Touch.

You need to give your customers personal touch and make them feel very important. You will be amazed to know how quickly the money comes into your account when you are sincerely helping others to succeed.

What differentiates you and the rest of internet marketers are the service you give -- how much are you willing to go an extra mile? You also need to touch the current results of discovering passive income opportunities and feel the excitement of the bright future those results promise.

6. Sixth sense.

Your sixth sense is developed and trained from various experiences you have gone through. After you gain enough knowledge about internet business and research the passive income opportunities then you must trust your sixth sense to proceed or change direction.

Your sixth sense will guide you to sense that there are possible "roadblocks" or even "dangers" in front of you or that the next milestone to realize one of your passive income opportunities is close, and help you to stay ahead of the curve.

You can practice your senses in your daily activity. Sharpen your senses and start observing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching and feeling the presence of passive income opportunities much more than you normally do.

By developing these six senses, you maximize your effort and focus to continually discover new passive income opportunities, and put yourself ahead of your competitors who only use their "emotion" to run their internet business.

Find out the passive income opportunities to succeed in home-based internet business here.

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